Make you Mountains worth the climb...

Darling Friend… are your mountains worth the climb???

Thanks to my girl @catieswartz I have been spending the day thinking on the idea of our "Last 90 Days" of the year. It's an idea that you FINISH the year strong and full or resolutions instead of beginning it strong. With these in mind, I have a STORY TIME for you.

In June, my darling hubby and I went on a long road trip together. Most of you probably already know that. However... while we were traveling and driving through all of the mountain chains, my thoughts were consumed by this notion of MOUNTAINS.

Bear with me here, this may be a bit of a journey (hehe).

Each one of us is constantly hiking or climbing up something. Goals or dreams or just life struggles in general.

Childhood mountains- always wanting to be "bigger"

High School mountains- friends, relationships, being a responsible human, colleges

College mountains- majors, life paths, adulthood, dating, drinking, morality and the lovely questions of "Who am I?" "What should I do in this life?"

And those mountains don't stop when you graduate- nay nay. In fact they seem to rise and stretch even higher along the treeline. Now, you are responsible for your own life and if you're lucky- the lives of others like your spouse and children. The risks seem higher, the journey seems longer and the sunlit days seem so much shorter. Except you're expected to climb tirelessly, without complaint, as you reach some goal in the sky.

We, as humans, are even crazy enough to build our own mountains when none exist in our path. The relentless pursuit of weighing less, earning more, being healthier, kinder, stronger in our faith, more organized, even prettier consumes our trails until we aren't even sure WHICH mountain we are climbing or why.

As I contemplated this notion while we were waiting at the terminal gate for our flight home, something clicked for me. This phrase kept repeating in my brain over and over, like an earworm or a well loved scripture:

Make your mountains worth the climb. Make your mountains worth the climb.

My darling friend, is YOUR MOUNTAIN worth the climb? Those mountains you are hiking up... the bigger house, the better job, the skinnier body... will the view at the top even be worth it once you get there?

Are they filled with brambles and wild animals or are they paved with packed soil?

Once you get up there- will you be triumphant or a better person or will you be left with disappointment at the view? Will you feel loss for who you were DURING the climb?

Is that mountain you are climbing leading to a STRONGER, HEALTHIER soul or is it just leading to a slippery scree field where you will feel emptier, sadder, less fulfilled?

I wish I had the answers, I really do... but for now, just be sure to make your mountains worth the climb.

Take care of yourselves and your people tonight. Love ya...

Kelly Photography