““Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we can do.” ”
$750 Uncovering Your Heart
Online One on One Mentoring: (available anywhere)
Ever wanted to dive into the sticky parts of shooting? Have questions about what you need to tweak? Want to take your images to the next level in connection?
1 on 1 with Kelly includes:
4 hours on Zoom together with customized learning and instruction focused on
either editing OR developing your shooting and business
Image critiques and tweaks
2 hours hands on editing instruction via screenshare
Take Home learning assignments
Proudly an educator through the MILKY WAY Photographer Education: https://themilkyway.ca/
$1500 Mentoring: 1 on 1 ( in Naples)
Ever wanted to dive into the sticky parts of shooting? Have questions about what you need to tweak? Need direct instruction and support on your workflow or shooting processes?
1 on 1 Day with Kelly includes:
1 FULL day of customized learning and instruction focused on settings, prompting, connection with clients
Meals and all the coffees you can drink ;-)
1 styled shoot out session (family or newborn, depending on student choice)
2 hours hands on editing instruction
Take Home learning assignments
3 Follow up check ins and support