Water the Weeds...

Sometimes blessings can grow in the most unexpected of places…

{Disclaimer: these are unedited IPHONE pics… because I am still human and make mistakes too!}

Guess what the ONE flower I am most proud of in my garden is?

{Well, “garden” may be a stretch… tiny patch of weeds and failed flower bushes may be more accurate}




Yup… this crazy looking multi-bloomed sunflower.


Well, it’s awesome.

It’s beautiful.

It’s an over-achiever, like someone I may know personally… {okay… very personally ;-) }

It’s self-sufficient.

And it was UNPLANNED.

I didn’t plant it. I didn’t place it. I didn’t even know the seed had wandered into the patch of soil it grew in. It magically showed up on bright morning amidst the old 2x4s and post hurricane roof shingles….

How it got there, I haven’t a clue .

Well, that is unfair. I know WHO placed it there. WHO designed it to be crazy and beautiful. WHO graced my yard with such unimaginable randomness and surprise.

…right? Crazy spot to grow….

…right? Crazy spot to grow….


However, this little weed got me really thinking this afternoon, as I lovingly doused it with water….

Our lives are like that. We can plan our goals and wants and blessings like the trees and shrubs in our gardens. “This will go here. This will look beautiful there…I have to wait until rainy season to plant this jacaranda tree….”

But sometimes in our intense need for control of the beauty, things fail.

They die.

They shrivel up despite the exact amount of sunlight or perfect mix of fertilizer.

And yet… in the most neglected space of our garden, wildflowers flourish.

Just a funny little heart reminder from the Creator that HE is in control of our blessings and our accomplishments. He is in control of when things happen and what grows where…NOT us….

Once again, this is the perfect reminder for this Type A, super planner and compulsively organized girl…

I thought even further on this, and realized most of my photography and story-telling is like that. I have an idea in my head and I plan, pose, prompt, and re-do and yet, sometimes the most UNPLANNED and SPONTANEOUS shots end up being my absolute favorite. The image I go to over and over and still get a tugging at the heartstrings months later….

WATER the WEEDS… you never know what blessings might come of the neglected areas of your life.

~ Kelly

Kelly Photography